Buenos Aires

The list of reasons to visit Buenos Aires is long. You will go through it, it will move you and you will take a great memory of it. We present you with good reasons to get to know one of the most attractive cities in Latin America.
Because you can dance tango in its place of origin
Born in the Río de la Plata in the 19th century, tango is a fusion between African culture, the local cultures of gauchos and native peoples, and the contribution of European and Middle Eastern immigrants. In the city you will find numerous tanguerías with live orchestras and dancers. The best? The most recognized places include a dinner with a specialty of Argentine meats or an international menu.

Because you will understand how far the passion for football can go
En Buenos Aires se respira fútbol en todo momento: se siente en los estadios, se escucha en las confiterías de barrio y se observa en un abrazo de gol entre compañeros de un equipo de una liga aficionada. Además Buenos Aires es la sede de la “experiencia deportiva más intensa del mundo”: el SuperClásico, el partido entre Boca y River, los dos equipos más importantes del país, en el que se vive lo más profundo de esta pasión.
Because you will celebrate and laugh until (very) late
The night is a key element in the "city that never sleeps". In its bars and bars, breweries and discos, young people and adults find proposals throughout the week to enjoy until the sun rises again. Only here can you dine in a restaurant after midnight or start the scene at three in the morning. Are you going to miss his eternal night?

Because we say hola, hello, bonjour, ciao and olá
Buenos Aires is the faithful reflection of those who came from far away to inhabit “the new world”. In the Buenos Aires visual identity, foreign influences are intermingled that make up an uneven and exciting whole. We have Spanish, Italian, French, English, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, Brazilian and Peruvian nuances, among many others. You will discover it in its architecture, in its food and in the way of speaking and being of its inhabitants.
Because you are going to buy real quality designer garments
Local brands and independent designers make Buenos Aires the ideal destination for those looking for new aesthetics and exclusive clothes. The star of the market? Tanneries with handmade genuine leather products. Don't miss the antiques and crafts fairs either, full of curiosities and hidden stories.

Because you will try all the flavors of the world in a single city
La cocina porteña se basa en la esencia de los inmigrantes que poblaron Buenos Aires en el siglo XIX y enriquecieron el menú criollo con recetas de España, Italia, Alemania y la increíble cocina andina de los países limítrofes. Su calidad gastronómica está reconocida en el listado “LatinAmerica’s 50 Best Restaurants 2016”, con ocho restaurantes porteños premiados. No te vayas sin probar un buen asado, la pizza porteña, las empanadas, el helado de dulce de leche, los alfajores, unos ricos churros y, por supuesto, el tradicional mate.
Because you will know where Pope Francis lived and grew up
The Pope from the end of the world is Argentine and his secular name is Jorge Mario Bergoglio. He was born and raised in Flores, in Buenos Aires, and served as Archbishop of the province until March 13, 2013, the day he was named Pope. I know his house, his kindergarten and elementary school and the square where he played with his friends. On the other hand, he also characterizes the multiplicity of temples: we have Catholic churches, synagogues, Christian temples, mosques, and Buddhist and Hindu centers.

Because you will enjoy its most cultural side
There are many reasons that lead to indicate that Buenos Aires is a city steeped in culture. This is demonstrated by its 380 bookstores, its 287 theaters and its 160 museums. The Colón also collaborates as one of the four most outstanding lyrical theaters in the world, the porteño fileteado as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by Unesco and Corrientes Avenue as a witness to the golden age of tango. Whether it's a wall (visit El regreso de Quinquela, with 2000 m²) or a napkin, we understand that any excuse can act as a canvas to manifest an attack of inspiration.
Because you will be surrounded by green and fresh air
Somos un destino urbano amigable con la naturaleza, ideal para transitar en bicicleta o a pie. Sus calles peatonales y el extendido sistema de ciclovías permiten recorrerla de modo sustentable. Tenemos más de 100 espacios verdes públicos; uno de ellos, la Reserva Ecológica, de 350 hectáreas, es punto de encuentro de miles de runners, turistas, jóvenes y especialistas en medio ambiente. Como se diría en criollo, para encerrarse bajo cuatro paredes, mejor quedarse en casa, ¿no? Salí, respirá el aire fresco y tomá cuantas imágenes te permita la memoria de tu cámara o celular.

Because you will return with many friends
La esencia de Buenos Aires está en su gente. No importa cuánto tiempo dure tu estadía, al final del viaje entenderás que el sabor del mate no está para nada mal pero que, en verdad, este representa un símbolo de afecto y camaradería; comprenderás que es tanto lo que disfrutamos conversar después de comer que hasta a eso le pusimos el nombre de “sobremesa”; y, por sobre todas las cosas, habrás descifrado que, aunque nos acusen de dar demasiados besos y abrazos, las personas no contamos con otra cualidad más genuina que la demostración de cariño.